'Mentomatics™' is a word coined by Prem Kamble.
"Mentomatics" is defined in Prem Kamble's book
To know more about Mentomatics™, please read my article |
Extract from Column titled "Politically Incorrect": |
"Prem Kamble continued the spiritual quest by proposing a new language called 'mentomatics' that would explain the mechanics of reaching the Godly zone. He likened the Godly zone to that heightened level of awareness where confidence, love, faith and hope are at their maximum making everything possible and within reach. However, the reader reaction to this article was surprisingly violent and reminded me of the reactions faced by Galileo when he first proposed the theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun." |
Extract from the same column: |
"The valuable insight of original thought, much like delicate crystal, cannot be prized, possessed or gifted when it smashes unprotected against the rock of opinions. We dress up our thoughts in the armor of words and send them out to wage war amidst the politically charged world of differing opinions. To be politically incorrect is to honestly state what your opinion is without regard for repercussions." |
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